31 January 2008

Book Reviewer

I was going to review Stephen Crane's visionary war classic, "The Red Badge of Courage." However I misplaced the damn thing. I have started reading Ulysses S. Grant's, "Personal Memoirs." So instead, I will provide some reflections of what I have read so far.

The first seven chapters feature Grant's life from start till the Mexican War in 1846 where he served as a fledgling 2nd Lt. Grant does not merely start with himself, but starts by telling the reader who is ancestors are and where they are from. In fact, Grant starts the book with one line that sums it all up, succintly, and without irony; "My family is American, and has been for generations, in all its branches, direct and collateral." No sir, this man does not mince words and that is how the book has read so far.

Grant was born in Point Pleasant Ohio and grew up in Georgetown. His early life consisted of hard work and horses. His father was a tradesman with some land to farm and Grant learned to break, plough and harvest with horses at a young age. So far in the book, Grant seems especially fond of horses, recalling every horse he ever owned and providing details and anecdotes for every horse. This is unsurprising considering horses were the main source of transportation. If Grant lived in our period of time, he would be talking about driving his mom's '65 Fairlane and the first muscle car he ever bought.

The tone is self-deprecating and his humour is dry. He is not afraid to tell his most embarrassing moments. Early on in Grant's life, upon returning home from West Point, Grant
decide to ride about town in his new Officer's uniform. It seems the town idiot took to mimicing him causing townsfolk to laugh at Grant's expense. Remember this is the man who revolutionized tactics and led the North to victory during the Civil War.

He also has no bones about criticising the Mexican War where he experiences his first engagements. He distinguishes leaders he admires and fools he does not. It is no wonder he later becomes popular with his men during the Civil War. Prehaps it was Grant's early humilities, that he remembers so well, that helped form that great General he was to become.

I'm getting ahead of myself. So far the memoirs are infomaticve and entertaining. There are descriptions of Mexicans breaking horses and ship to ship transfers of troops at sea. There is an absence of pomp and pretension and many very funny moments. I hope it continues just the same.

30 January 2008

Meeting this guy on the street would make my day

This guy should keep advertising his views. I know plenty of hardy folks, myself included, who would just love to meet him in person. Most of us are civil types, content to turn a cheek knowing full well that everybody gets their due.

But there are others who deliver that due. I hope this dude keeps spouting because some people like nothing more than administering a well deserved smack-down.

Toronto provides this country with so many upstanding Canadians. Stand proud, Toronto.

Gun of the Week

What do you get when you take a Canadian, give him a little training, and sharpen his mind. You get a motivated, deadly, and proffesional defender of freedom. But wait, I missed one one part of the formula. Put a C7 in his hands.
The C7, better known as the American M16 or civillian AR15, has been a symbol of freedom for over 40 years. How many times a week do you turn on the television to see a Canadian or a Yank standing in some Godforsaken dust-choked hell-hole with the Black plastic assault rifle held ready for action.

If you want to read about the history of this ubiquitous justice-dispenser, look here. I will tell you that the C7 is a 5.56x45 mm, gas operated, air cooled, magazine fed, assault rifle that weighs 2.9 kg and features a forward assist. I do know, from my brief military experience, that the C7 can endure sand, water, ice and mud and still work. Just keep it cleaned, but that's part of the discipline and training.

In the right hands, it never misses a target. Some might argue that the 5.56 mm round is too light. To that I say size does not matter. It matters where you land your rounds, however. That goes for all you guys who hunt game with .300 WSMs and the like. Why do you think that in fire-fights far more freedom-haters are killed than anybody else. They use a larger round in their hard hitting AKs but they can't hit shit.

You can buy and "register" an AR15 in Canada. They make great hunting rifles and gopher guns besides defending against heathens, commies, jihads and the like. Besides, with the coming Russian invasion, we'll need something to stave the bastards off.

29 January 2008

Global warming has spread to the Peace Region.

This is what -42 looks like. Damn global warming.

28 January 2008

Give Me a Horse and a Carbine

With Corb Lund around, who needs recruitment videos. This'll get you all fired up to sign yourself in service of Her Majesty. I'm half the way there myself.

Corb's video me reminds of another coutry singer and one of his songs in particular:

More on Witches

Kinsella's ironic label of witches to his intellectual opponents has given me cause to more thoughts on the subject. With his zealous pursuit of loser racists, his hero, Richard Warman, was part of a greater fear over-running our culture. Remember when it was generally accepted that only whites could be racist? I would propose that people like Warman are a product of a period in time when our society was in the grips fear. Fear that we are indeed the racists we were accused of being. I would propose that when the HRCs started persecuting people for hate speech, they were kicking off a witch hunt for undesirables. If allowed to continue, like all witch hunts that were allowed to continue, this "Liberal" witch hunt has the potential to be just as evil and unthinking as all other witch hunts that preceeded it. I will now proceed to look at evidence and write more on this matter.

27 January 2008


Warren Kinsella, the post-modern racist, has taken up the habit of calling his blogging foes wicked witches. How revealing. His personal hero, Richard Warman, was engaged in a witch hunt of sorts. I'm sure Kinsella would love to engage in a witch hunt for bloggers whose views don't correspond with post-modern "Trudeaupian (credits to Steyn)" Canada. How ironic that the things Warman and Kinsella think they're crusading against are the very things they do. Thank God people are standing up for free speech because when the activist self-righteous lawyer goes to work for the gvernment, real rights go the way of the flint-lock.
I'm sure everybody has seen this video. Ezra Levant is not only a skilled public speaker but also a hero. His magazine, The Western Standard, was immensly enjoyable to read. It was full of original ideas and all kinds of investigations the regular media wouldn't touch with their dirty dicks. It's too bad it went under. Canadian publishing must be tough.

This Paikin interview got me real fired up. I'm not talking about Ezra Levant's interview-it was fun to watch how masterfully he dealt with Paikin's questions-but the debate at the end. Why this is something Canadians have to debate about is beyond me. Free Speech is a God given right to free-born Canadians, something that has been earned through countless conflicts and deaths. It is maddening to listen to Ziad and Mohammed try to wrap their minds around free speech. All you can do is be persistent and polite with numbskulls like that. You can almost see the wall between the two opposing views.

25 January 2008

A decline in contraceptive use, a drop in access to abortion, poor education and poverty.

That is the reason given for an increase of births among Americans other than Hispanics.

That's why I have kids; I'm just a poor ignorant yokel with nothing better to do. Aw, shucks, and I go to church too. Too bad I'm not an activist lawyer so that I might know better than to have pesky children.

Church of the week

This week's church is St. Columbia Anglican church, out at Buffalo Pound Saskatchewan. Standing alone with a few trees and a grave yard, St. Columbia is the quintessntial Anglican church. The simplicity, tastefulness and practical minimilism of the church reflects everything it means, to me anyways, to be an Anglican. God is far more apparent in the clean simple lines of a prairie church than the spiralling and arched masonry of any downtown cathedral.

When I visited Buffalo Pound, I failed to take any pictures of the graveyard. However I did find a website devoted to St. Columbia's graveyard. Imagine the stories behind these old cracked headstones.


You think it would be good news that the military stopped prisoner transfers. The very thought of transferring prisoners to Afghan authorities was so abhorrent to anyone left of the Conservatives, that they seemed to forget about every other issue of the war, and, with unrelenting enthusiasm, the lefties pursued the issue like a mother coming for her hurt baby across a crowded banquet hall.

Here at one of my favourite lefty blog you see the attitude perfectly.

The CBC's The Current, had a guest yesterday to talk about this very subject. He was Law Professor, Amir Attaran, eminent and acclaimed expert on all things government and war. His indignation at our deceitful murderous regime of a government was plain to hear through his nasally, increasingly high-pitched, voice. To paraphrase; "The government stopped prisoner transfers months ago!" The rest is what you'd expect from a born activist. The innocent child-like prisoners, the poor ignorant hapless Canadian soldiers, and, of course, you can't have a conversation with a lefty without hearing about our old standby, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In fact, Mr. Attaran claims that what Canada did is "worse" than Guantanamo Bay. That's right, suspending prisoner transfers, not advertising the fact, and then not clarifying where the prisoners are now going, is worse than a five star prison resort. Actually not all that damning when you think about it.

I think they want a big prisoner torturing scandal. They want all those Taliban to get tortured in the worst possible way and then they want the West to lose everything we've gained in the mid-east. They love failure.

This is how the humourless revolutionaries think; anything the government does deserves a knee-jerk reaction because the government is the hated conservatives and we need to politicize every little issue so that we can get rid of them. Anything Mark Steyn does deserves an HRC because I'm not a very funny writer and no one recognizes that I'm an "ass-kicker." The
problem with the left is they all want to be John Lennon and lead a hippie revolution.

23 January 2008

"Rainbow Stew"

Two years ago, the local paper had five pages of job ads and a quarter of a page of vacancies. Today, you'll see the exact opposite.

The situation is critical. Every boom is followed by bust. It is imperitive to prepare for the bust.

What if you haven't? If you didn't already own your house, you had to go out and buy one when the prices were high. Every month you needed to borrow that extra bit of money with full expectation that it could be paid back the following month.

An economic woe here and there is nothing. Wars are blazing all across the planet. Politicians are still lying.

Declare bankruptcy and go back to school. Sell the quad because you can buy a brand new one in another five years. Just don't let your marriage disolve.

22 January 2008

Gun of the Week

This is the gun of the week. This gives me something to dream about at night. In my dream, the gas operated, full auto, AA-12, 12 ga. shotgun is available at Walmart. I promptly retire my mat-black Winchester defender and head into town. At the Walmart, I have no trouble finding parking and when I get to sporting goods, I slap down my Mastercard along with my Possession/Acquisition license and request one gas operated, full auto AA-12, 12 ga. shotgun. The smiling 60 yr. behind the counter hands it over and Walmart earns yet another satisfied customer.

Why, you might ask, would a citizen need a weapon such as this?

The AA-12 is able to fire at a rate of 360 rounds per minute. Normally, the recoil of a full auto shotgun firing at this rate would be unmanageable. The resulting loss of accuracy would render a full auto shotgun useless.

The engineers responsible for the AA-12 solved this problem by redirecting the gasses that cause recoil to instead operate the shotgun's mechanism, leaving the gun with almost no recoil.

Even better, explosive shells are being developed for the AA-12:

Now, what would I need this for?

It's obvious. With the AA-12, a man can dig holes, rototil, renovate, clear a road, open a can of tuna, etc. etc... The possibilities are limitless, my friend. One can dream.


It makes perfect sense, develop a full auto shotgun, and then... MOUNT IT ON A REMOTE CONTROL HELICOPTER! HOLY SHIT!

21 January 2008

Today I want to talk about CBC's Krista Erikson. Me being an unruly right-winger might lead you to expect a venomous post about the evils of our Liberal Party biased public broadcaster. You might yawn in expectation of calls to have the CBC liquidated or made private; of undoing their lefty agenda completely and absolutely.

Actually, all I want to point out today is that Krista Erikson is one heckuva fox! Ahr ahr ahroooooo! Wow, she should be in Sports Illustrated or Maxim. I'd buy that issue.

20 January 2008

Whites Only School

I've got a proposition. We need to get our students back to the basics. White kids don't feel comfortable in school because they have to learn about cultures that aren't European. They feel alienated because they must learn the history of hip-hop when they should be square-dancing and learning about Mozart. Too many schools focus on the evils of colonialism when they should be focusing on colonialism's inherent benefits.

I believe that if white kids went to an all white school, they would no linger feel uncomfortable. In an atmosphere of white culture, white kids can feel free to be white. Most importantly, they can do it guilt free.

Sounds ridiculous? Don't think it will fly?

Then what the hell is this: http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/294891

Do I understand all the issues and facts and blah-biddy-blah-blahs? Should I give a shit?

Hell, I didn't even take the time to really research this because to me, it's a no-brainer.

Where's the frickin' outcry?

After all the work that's been done for equality; after all the court battles and education; after all everything that has been worked for by our fore-bearers, where's the outcry?

It all seems surreal until you remember that free-speech is being persecuted in kangaroo "human rights" courts in the name of "human rights."

And it all seems sad that inequality still exists in Canada while our soldiers die in the name of freedom on foriegn battlefields.