09 February 2008

Hi y'all! I just got back from four days of hauling water. It went okay. Advice: if you insist on hitting the ditch, don't do it at midnight when the temperature is -45c. Not that I know that from experience. Oh, and if you decide not to heed my advice, make sure one tank of fuel isn't draining into the other while you're sitting there waiting for help.

Meow, since I've been off the internet, I've missed out on this amazing piece of hogwash. Wow. Wow, that is all I have to say about that. I'm not sure why Kinsella is the centre of so much of my liberal-bashing. Is it creepy yet? Maybe it's because Kinsella is like the prototypical king of the "progressive" liberal twits. I mean, the guy worked for Chretien. Chretien's lawyer photographs bathroom walls. Wow.

Progressives sure are good at finding all kinds of ways to convolute an issue as simple as free speech. They also have thin skin and cry at the wink of an eye. Maybe they see more than is really there. Perhaps they have some kind of super sixth sense. I don't know, I'm just a commoner, a simple man.


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