20 January 2008

Whites Only School

I've got a proposition. We need to get our students back to the basics. White kids don't feel comfortable in school because they have to learn about cultures that aren't European. They feel alienated because they must learn the history of hip-hop when they should be square-dancing and learning about Mozart. Too many schools focus on the evils of colonialism when they should be focusing on colonialism's inherent benefits.

I believe that if white kids went to an all white school, they would no linger feel uncomfortable. In an atmosphere of white culture, white kids can feel free to be white. Most importantly, they can do it guilt free.

Sounds ridiculous? Don't think it will fly?

Then what the hell is this: http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/294891

Do I understand all the issues and facts and blah-biddy-blah-blahs? Should I give a shit?

Hell, I didn't even take the time to really research this because to me, it's a no-brainer.

Where's the frickin' outcry?

After all the work that's been done for equality; after all the court battles and education; after all everything that has been worked for by our fore-bearers, where's the outcry?

It all seems surreal until you remember that free-speech is being persecuted in kangaroo "human rights" courts in the name of "human rights."

And it all seems sad that inequality still exists in Canada while our soldiers die in the name of freedom on foriegn battlefields.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These schools already exist, citizen.

These schools exist already citizen, because the Bolsheviks only have our kids during school hours. And our kids are bored of education.

Instead, citizen, do your duty to your first language culture and share your shared cultural values with your fellow first language culture people. Be they Vikings, Goths, Huns or Burgundians.

Act as a role model for our youth, where our schools have failed you can step in and take over.

23/1/08 00:10  

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