21 February 2008

Why so many weenies?

Small Dead Animals has links to a good one here via The Meatriarchy. Boy, where do they come from? Obviously it would be a crass generalisation to say that people from Toronto are either useless bag of shit b-boy gangsters, terrorists, or little white liberal weiner brains. Maybe one day the terrorists and gangsters will fight over who gets to make the liberal wuss their prison bitch.

Photo: A.V. Club

Summer come early.

Winter can really wear a guy down. However, there is a lot a guy can do to keep from going stir-crazy. Like, for instance, I'm trying this blog and it can be fun. I think it can be unhealthy at the same time. Like, for instance, a guy focuses on one thing too much. It can make you seem crazy. The trick is to find something you know a lot about and are able to talk about without sounding like a hick. I can talk about guns. So I try to keep my Gun of the Week going. Or I can write about a book I'm reading. Maybe somebody read the same book and can share ideas. I think I will also start talking about some music I like. For instance, I recently discovered Roscoe Holcomb. He is interesting because, he came from the land he sang about, the Apallachians. He actually worked in the coal mines and tilled that land. He was authentic in a way that would be hard to find in a contemporary recording artist.

In this video I've posted, he's playing "Little Birdie," a song I enjoy hearing another banjo great-Ralph Stanley-perform. Incidentally, I learned, Holcomb was admired by Stanley and I wonder if his style was an influence on Stanley's timbre and his "Claw Hammer" playing style.

11 February 2008

Gun of the Week

My old man has knocked over a few deer and moose in his time. One chilly autumn, at dusk, he spent two cartridges on an immature bull out near Fort St. John, off the Alaska Highway. As far as he tells it and as far as I, or anybody else has ever witnessed, that was the only time. Every other kill he ever made required only one shot.

Perhaps it is because of a Weaver 3x9x38mm riflescope or his Sako 85 chambered in 7mm Remington Magnum. Wrong. My dad'll park six blocks away to avoid paying for parking. Do you think he would shell out the thousands upon thousands of dollars required for a rig like that?

Pops bought a Lee Enfield .303 for 20 bucks back in the '60's and never once looked back. It came with a "sporterised" custom stock and the rear peep-sight was replaced with an open "v." I don't recall him ever once "sighting in" that rifle before a trip. He bought a leather sling for it and never once mounted a scope. He still has it locked away in the basement, having not seriously hunted game in over ten years.

The Lee Enfield was employed by the British service for over 60 years. The Canadian Rangers are still using the Lee Enfield .303 while keeping steadfast watch over our most Northern flank. I have not met a single serious gun owner who has not owned a .303 at one time in their lives. The gun, in all of its forms, survives in collections, hunter's gun cabinets and behind the seat backs of pickups all over the country. You can still pick them up cheap; my current all-round gun is a .303 with a vintage Weaver K6 that I picked up, as a package, for $150. Ever since the Canadian Government flooded the market with surplus Lee Enfields back in the fifties, every gun show and gun shop in the country has more then a few up for sale.

The gun's longevity is a testament to the gun's perfection. Like any military firearm, it is rugged and simple. The rear locking bolt system is quick and easy to operate. In anticipation of dirty battlefields, the chamber was made extra wide to allow for grimy operation. The ruggedness does not take away from the rifle's accuarcy, however. With open sights, my 70 year old rifle achieves modest, yet adequate, 1 inch, 5 shot, groupings at 100 yards. Like todays C7, when put into the hands of a trained rifleman, the Lee Enfield .303 does what is required. According to Wikipedia, freedom fighters of WWI and II could loose 20 to 30 rounds a minute with this bolt-action rifle. In WWI and II, that would be a lot of krouts. The Afghans used the .303 during their war against the Soviets. So the venerable rifle has taken its share of commies as well.

Along with every Western struggle, there is a piece of engineering and innovation that goes hand in hand with defeating tyrrany. This week's gun, the Lee Enfield .303 is the very symbol of that engineering and innovation. I've only touched on the history of this invaluable kit, go check out Wikipedia and learn something of your heritage as a freeborn Canadian.

09 February 2008

Hi y'all! I just got back from four days of hauling water. It went okay. Advice: if you insist on hitting the ditch, don't do it at midnight when the temperature is -45c. Not that I know that from experience. Oh, and if you decide not to heed my advice, make sure one tank of fuel isn't draining into the other while you're sitting there waiting for help.

Meow, since I've been off the internet, I've missed out on this amazing piece of hogwash. Wow. Wow, that is all I have to say about that. I'm not sure why Kinsella is the centre of so much of my liberal-bashing. Is it creepy yet? Maybe it's because Kinsella is like the prototypical king of the "progressive" liberal twits. I mean, the guy worked for Chretien. Chretien's lawyer photographs bathroom walls. Wow.

Progressives sure are good at finding all kinds of ways to convolute an issue as simple as free speech. They also have thin skin and cry at the wink of an eye. Maybe they see more than is really there. Perhaps they have some kind of super sixth sense. I don't know, I'm just a commoner, a simple man.

03 February 2008

Why does there have to be a debate about Free Speech? Adler enunciates the truth perfectly so read it yourself.

People of different political persuasions should be debating about things like unions and taxes and whether or not Dion is a terrible leader and a pansy or just a terrible leader.

I suspect that the only reason "progressives" are going against unfettered speech is because they hate the people who are fighting speech laws. I also suspect that "progressives" are also scaredy cats who talk too much and suffer from reality-disconnect, but that is probably just my opinion.

The champion of speech suppression has already stooped to the lowest of the low. There's a big difference, Warren; children need protection. They are vulnerable. Politics, religion and race are a thinking game. Not a sick vice.

The truth is, "progressives" have zero faith in humanity. Why else do would they think that every teeny facet of our lives need to be controlled and regulated. Maybe, because in truth, they are the ones who are most like nazis. They are the racist ones, with their obsessions with white on coloured racism and their propensity to throw around racist accusations. They are the tyrants with their unwavering belief that the government can regulate our asses all the way to heaven on earth.

02 February 2008

Where are all these Liberals coming from?

What the heck is this (ignore the CBC crap)? And here too. Remember when a Liberal would open his mouth and it sounded like a toilet flushing? I guess with no "little guy from Shawinigan calling the shots, Liberals can think. Chretien used to let the stupidest Liberals act like monkeys , sounding off about crosses in Prince George and stomping on Bush dolls etc. etc. With that weenie Dion in charge, the Liberals run amok and actually make sense. Ironic, isn't it?

I need a stiff one. Wrapping my mind around this makes me drink.

01 February 2008

Here's the thing. There was a report on the CBC today, or was it yesterday. Yesterday or today, there was a report that warranted the attention of all CBC listeners. George Clooney was scolding some nobodies at the UN about sending a bunch of troops to Sudan. It went something like that. Who can remember these things? Anyways, this speech was so important that the CBC actually felt compelled to broadcast Clooney's huskey, soothing voice righteously pontificating geopolitical wisdom. Thanks, CBC.

Clooney acted in the Coen Brother's movies, O' Brother Where art Thou and Intolerable Cruelty. He was cast perfectly as a vain and shallow escaped con in the former and a vain and shallow divorce lawyer in the latter. The Coen Brothers also made The Big Lebowski. I always thought of it as a take-off on L.A. noir movies like China Town or The Big Sleep.

Some memorable lines:

The Dude: Look, we all know who is at fault here, what the fuck are you talking about?

Walter: No, what the fuck are you... I'm not... We're talking about unchecked aggression here, dude.

Donny: What the fuck is he talking about?

The Dude: My rug.

Walter: Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element!

The Dude: Walter, the chinaman who peed on my rug, I can't go give him a bill, so what the fuck are you talking about?

Walter: What the fuck are you talking about? The chinaman is not the issue here, Dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.

The Dude: Walter, this isn't a guy who built the fucking railroads here. This is a guy...

Walter: What the fuck are you talking about?

The Dude: Walter, he peed on my rug!

Donny: He peed on the Dude's rug.

Walter: Donny you're out of your element! Dude, the Chinaman is not the issue here!